Turfgrass Nutrient Management (Taught in Spanish)

Event Time

Wednesday, October 16 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: West Wing W6

Sponsors & Partners

Equip Exposition
Texas A&M AgriLife


Title: Turfgrass Nutrient Management (Taught in Spanish)

Cost: $50

Type: Contractor Education


This course explores turfgrass nutrient management in an efficient manner. Participants will examine important ideas and methods for supplying vital nutrients that promote strong turf development. Analysis of the soil, fertilization techniques, and the function of different nutrients in turfgrass nutrition are among the subjects discussed. The focus will be on applying sustainable nutrient management techniques, improving fertilization schedules, and comprehending the nutritional needs of turfgrass. Participants will leave the course with the knowledge and abilities required for efficient turfgrass nitrogen management, resulting in lush, resilient turf.

To redeem CEUs, please review this document and check your state status before registering.




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