Turf Sprayer Calibration Workshop

Event Time

Friday, October 18 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

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Event Location

Location: West Wing Certification Center

Sponsors & Partners

Davey Institute


Title: Turf Sprayer Calibration Workshop

Cost: Free

Type: Contractor Education


In this session, attendees will learn the procedures for calibrating a backpack and ride-on sprayer commonly used in the law care industry. The session will focus on how to select and calculate operating speed, nozzle flow rate, and the spray volume in gallons per 1000 sq ft. Lastly, spray drift is a serious concern when applying plant health care products to home lawns using backpack and ride-on spray equipment, so several strategies for minimizing spray drift will be discussed throughout the session.

To review CEUs available, please see this document and check your state's status before registering: https://hubs.ly/Q02tPzg50




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